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Salesforce Lightning Component Development Tutorial
Appbuilder and Lightning Pages
How to Enable Lighting Experience in your org (7:49)
Building a Home Page (8:13)
Introduction to app builder page (8:39)
Building a single app page (8:39)
Appbuilder and recordetails page (17:36)
Building a Record detail page (11:32)
Introduction to Lightning Components
Lightning component Developer topics (4:30)
Developing compnent bundle part1 (4:35)
Developing component bundle part 3 vid2.mp4 2 (18:37)
Developing component bundle part 2vid 3 (12:48)
Developing component helpercontroller part 4 vid 4.mp4 (9:59)
Developing component buildng your first major component controllerhelperpart 5 (6:09)
Developing component buildng your first major component part 6 (11:29)
Developing component buildng your first major component part 7 (10:03)
Developing component buildng your first major component part 8 (13:24)
Developing component buildng your first major component calling apex part 9 (10:54)
Developing component buildng your first major component aurahandler part 10 (12:53)
Developing component building your first major component part 11 (6:06)
Developing component buildng your first error handling,styles,dynamic class 12 (17:22)
Introduction to rendering lifecycle 13 (5:35)
Developing Contaclist componet using init event 15 (11:50)
Building the contactlist component 15 (4:06)
Building the contacdetail component and using hastag handler event 16 (15:25)
New Lecture
Building Lightning components using the Lighting Design system
Building forms using Lighting design and saving SOBJECT DATA part1 vid26 (44:36)
Building forms using Lighting design and editing SOBJECT DATA part2 vid27 (15:09)
Building forms using Lighting design and surfacing the components part1 vid28 (15:22)
SLDS Lighting Design System
Exposing lightning components using Visual force page lightning out vid29 (9:35)
Introduction to Lighting Events
Lightning Events
Lightning events application events (11:59)
Real time building an component event (13:56)
Build the searchcontact component (9:34)
Completing the searchcontact Application using events 20 (8:18)
Completing the searchcontact Application using events 21 (7:35)
Completing the searchcontact Application using events 22 (11:40)
Completing the searchcontact Application using events 23 (2:06)
Completing the searchcontact Application using events 24 (11:16)
Completing the searchcontact Application using events 25 (6:45)
Completing the searchcontact Application using events 26 (7:00)
Misellaneous topics
What is locker service in salesforce and best practises vid 31.mp4 (7:10)
Passing Data in nested components and aura method (8:20)
Important Read Me file
Curriculum content wise description
Code Sample
Real time building an component event
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